Medical and Life Insurance for Foreigners Living in Japan
平日 9:00 AM ~ 6:00 PM 土・日・祝日除く


Please consult with authorized person regarding the nature of the illness and have medical treatment in a hospital.

VIVA VIDA! will cover the medical expenses paid to medical institutions in Japan for the physician’s consultation or treatment.
Medical expenses charged in the facilities other than the medical institutions mentioned above will not be covered; charging system of such facilities has no correspondence with the regular system and lacks fairness in the content of the medical treatment and the expenses.

Definition of Medical Institution
Hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, and physicians inside Japan that provide medical care and pharmaceutical prescriptions, that apply the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare in Japan appointed National Health Insurance and Social Insurance systems (Government-managed Insurance, Union Health Insurance, and Mutual Aids).

For hospital information obtained up to this time, please click here.

Special healthcare expenditure charged when consulting a medical institution with advanced and specialized medical service is excluded from the coverage of VIVA VIDA!.
(Moreover, the cost for the letter of referral is also excluded from the reimbursement).

Special healthcare expenditure
Special healthcare expenditure is expenses charged when consulting a medical institution with more than 200 beds without a letter of referral from another medical institution. The cost would vary from 1000 yen to 5000 yen depending on the medical institution.

When having medical consultation with no National Health Insurance, medical fees more than 100% of the public insurance coverage may be required at some medical institutions. VIVA VIDA! will convert medical fees into 10 (ten) JPY per point and cover them up to 100%.

Medical service fee points
A score system for medical service fees appointed by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

The insurance of VIVA VIDA! covers medical treatment up to 180 days from the first consultation day for each illness or injury.
We hope you have a fast recovery based on physician’s instruction.

Please take medicine based on the physician’s instruction.

Head Office: 482-2-201 Kamisoyagi, Yamato-shi, Kanagawa-ken TEL(046)265-6685
Medical and Life Insurance for Foreigners Living in Japan
©2011 VIVA VIDA MEDICAL LIFE CO.,LTD. All rights reserved.