Medical and Life Insurance for Foreigners Living in Japan


Striving to become a trustworthy insurance company and for the appropriate handling and management of your personal information, VIVA VIDA Medical & Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) will operate and manage this website (the “Site”) in accordance to the Privacy Policy described below.

Privacy Policy (Handling Your Personal Information)

1.Compliance to Related Laws and Regulations

The Company will handle any and all of your personal information in full compliance with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” and all relating laws, guidelines etc.

2.Acquisition of Personal Information

The Company will collect the minimum required personal information in a legal and fair manner. The usage of the collected data shall be limited to the purposes described below.

3.Use of Personal Information

The Company may use your personal information within the scope of the following business purposes.

1) To undertake, renew, maintain and manage insurance contracts and reimburse benefits for any and all insurance policies.
2) Maintain/manage contracts, inform/provide services and products of the Company and its affiliates.
3) Provide information, operate, maintain, and enhance products and services rendered by the Company.
4) Other related and associated insurance business practices.

If and when the purpose of this usage shall be modified, you will receive a notice or be informed publicly by the Site. If and when your personal information shall be handled beyond the scope of necessary business activities, the Company shall obtain your consent for use, excluding the following conditions:

1) When abiding by laws or ordinances
2) For the protection and preservation of life, physical body or property and when the person concerned cannot be contacted for consent.
3) For the improvement of public health or the sound growth of juveniles, and when the person concerned cannot be contacted for consent.

4.Providing Personal Information to Third Parties


The Company will not provide third parties with your personal information without your prior written consent. However, the Company may provide the minimum required personal information to external parties when it is deemed necessary for: a healthy operation of the life insurance system, subcontracting the business activities described in “3. Use of Personal Information,” abiding by laws and ordinances, and for the best interest of the common good.

5.Personally Identifying Healthcare Data


The Company will acquire and use the minimum required personally identifying data deemed necessary for accomplishing the purpose described in “3. Use of Personal Information” including healthcare data and other personally identifying data previously acquired by the Company. As for any consumer data provided by personal credit information intelligence agencies, the purpose of usage is limited to the investigation of one’s debt-paying ability, as described in Article 53.9 of the “Ordinance for Enforcement of Insurance Business Law”. Additionally, the usage of data including race, religion, family origin, registered domicile, healthcare history, criminal-background, labor union affiliation, ethic group and sexual life is limited to the securing of appropriate business operations and other purposes as described in Articles 53.10 and 234.1.17 of the “Ordinance for Enforcement of Insurance Business Law.” Any relevant data will be used solely for the limited purposes described above.

6.Personal Information Storage

The Company will supervise the safety of your personal information and retain its correctness to the best of its efforts. In order to prevent any loss, damage, fabrication, leakage, and other threats to the safety of your personal information, the Company will take appropriate data security measures against unauthorized access and computer viruses.

7.Disclosure, Amendment, Cessation of Use, and Elimination of Personal Information

The Company confirms your rights guaranteed by laws and ordinances to disclose, amend, cease the use, or dispose of your personal data, and the Company shall handle such request from an individual in a prompt manner.

8.Organization and Structure

The Company will appoint a personal information-supervising manager in order to ensure the appropriate management of your personal information. The Company will undertake appropriate training sessions for the supervision and protection of your personal information by the management and workforce of the Company to realize a thorough and appropriate handling of your personal information during the Company’s daily business.

9.Establishment, Implementation, Maintenance and Revision of the Personal Information Protection Program

The Company will establish a personal information protection program (including this Privacy Policy, “Personal Information Protection Regulations,” and other regulations and provisions), and keep all Company personnel and concerned parties informed of the implementation, management and continuous revision of this program in order to enhance the effective implementation of this Private Policy.

10.Questions and Concerns


If you have any questions or concerns with respect to our Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us.

VIVA VIDA Medical & Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
Address: 482-2-201 Kamisouyagi, Yamato City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Toll free: 0120-656-684

Head Office: 482-2-201 Kamisoyagi, Yamato-shi, Kanagawa-ken TEL(046)265-6685
Medical and Life Insurance for Foreigners Living in Japan
©2011 VIVA VIDA MEDICAL LIFE CO.,LTD. All rights reserved.