Medical and Life Insurance for Foreigners Living in Japan
平日 9:00 AM ~ 6:00 PM 土・日・祝日除く



(Injury Death)
Benefits will be paid when the insured person dies inside Japan within 180 days from physical injuries inflicted by cause of unforseen accidents inside Japan, which occurred within the covered period.
(Common Death)
Benefits will be paid when the insured person dies inside Japan from accidents inside Japan caused by reasons other than injury death within the covered period.
Benefits will be paid when the insured person is stricken with a specific disability within 180 days from the physicak injury(s) inflicted by unforseen accidents which occurred inside Japan within the covered period.
※Not included in VIVALIFE-S and VIVALIFE-A.
Payments to a medical institution for treatment of the insured person will be reimbursed described accordingly in the medical benefit clause of the insurance policy for fees of 10,000 JPY and over, paid up to 180 days from the day of the first visit to a medical institution occuring in Japan within the period covered and 8 days after the effective date for a new policy, based on the point system for the medical cost (1 point of the medical service fee points will be converted to 10 JPY).

※If the medical expenses amounting to 3,000 yen or more for a MED-30, the insurance will be paid based on the medical fee points (3 yen per point) within 180 days from the first medical examination date.
Emergency Plan
※Not included in VIVALIFE-A, VIVAMED-A.
Benefits will be paid when the insured person dies, or is in grave, critical health condition caused by unforeseen accidents or sudden illnesses occurring inside Japan, duly acknowledged by a medical institution in Japan; or if the insured person is declared missing by the police and other search and rescue authorities caused by disasters in a ship or aircraft (within Japan) in which the insured person was on board. The costs of travel and accommodation of up to two family members (or their representatives) to come to Japan and expenses incurred to bring the deceased to his/her home country, and to dispose things left behind by the deceased will be covered. In case of death, a priority amount of 200,000 yen will be paid to cover extra expenses.
Head Office: 482-2-201 Kamisoyagi, Yamato-shi, Kanagawa-ken TEL(046)265-6685
Medical and Life Insurance for Foreigners Living in Japan
©2011 VIVA VIDA MEDICAL LIFE CO.,LTD. All rights reserved.